Jimmie Webster: A Great Gretsch Ambassador
Gretsch Celebrates the Birthday of a Colorful Musician, Inventor, and Traveling Ambassador for Gretsch Guitars. Jimmie Webster was born on August 11, 1908 in Van Wert, Ohio into a very musical family. Both parents played as well as taught piano and his sister,...
An Interview with Neil LaFortune – Versatile drummer, longtime educator, and . . .
. . . creator and host of the Gretsch Afternoon Drum Break series. Gretsch endorser Neil LaFortune is a working drummer juggling a busy schedule of performing, teaching, exercising, and hosting the Gretsch Afternoon Drum Break vlog. A native of Ontario, Canada, Neil...
Gretsch Night in NYC!
Few musical instrument companies can boast of celebrating 140 years in business. Likewise, few musical instrument companies can boast of still being family-owned after so many years. But only one drum company can lay claim to both. That company is Gretsch. Founded in...