New Releases
The latest stories, announcements, and events from Gretsch.By Guest Contributor, Ron Denny. Rock ‘n’ roll pioneer Bo Diddley, with his iconic red rectangular Gretsch guitar slung over his shoulder, was a larger-than-life figure. If you ever saw him perform live, you know…

A Magnificent Mural Honors Rock (and Gretsch) Legend Bo Diddley
By Guest Contributor, Ron Denny. Rock 'n’ roll pioneer Bo Diddley, with his iconic red rectangular Gretsch guitar slung over his shoulder, was a larger-than-life figure. If you ever saw him perform live, you know what I mean. He was a tireless, high-energy showman who...

Despite Hurricane Helene, Gretsch helps sponsor a Savannah charity event that raised over $700,000 for pancreatic cancer awareness and research. When a real good cause involves real good music, some people aren’t going to let a hurricane ruin their plans. Especially...

Seventy Years Ago, Gretsch and Chet Inked a Most Important Deal
How Jimmie Webster made the historic 1954 endorsement deal possible. By Ron Denny, Guest Contributor. Seventy years ago, a contract was signed between a thirty-year-old ambitious musician named Chester B. “Chet” Atkins and Fred Gretsch, Jr., president of the Gretsch...

Minor Strut Rocks Out at Their 10th Anniversary Show (with two founding members still in their teens!)
It’s hard to know what percent of rock bands make it to the 10-year mark. It’s even harder to know if any other rock band reached that 10-year milestone with two founding members still in their teens. Ethan “E” Nguyen, who handles lead and rhythm guitar duties on a...

And the Beginning of the “Second Golden Age” of Gretsch. “I don’t think many people today know how close Gretsch came to dying and disappearing,” says Dinah Gretsch, “I believe in my heart that had we not bought Gretsch back, there wouldn’t be a Gretsch...

An Interview with Lee Anderton of Andertons Music Company
How The Beatles inspired a father and his teenage son into opening a London-area music store that’s still going strong 60 years later. By Ron Denny, Gretsch Contributor. With Fred and Dinah Gretsch celebrating a combined 102 years of experience in the music industry...

An interview with Parker Hastings: Still young (and still an experienced–and outstanding–picker, singer, songwriter, and performer)
It’s been about eight years since we last sat down and had a conversation with the very likable Parker Hastings, one of the top fingerstyle guitar pickers, songwriters, and singers in the music business. When we first chatted back in July of 2016, the Kentucky native...

A Kool Time Was Had By All at the Gretsch Kentucky Kountry Roundup!
“When you attend one of these Gretsch Roundups, you walk away with a comradery of people who love the Gretsch brand, who love playing music with other people, who love trading and stealing licks, and who love just having fun, man. It’s a blast. What can I say?” That’s...

The Gretsch 140th Anniversary Celebration and Benefit Concert
An Historic Night That Will Help Introduce Music to Hundreds of K-12 Students Across The State of Georgia. If you’ve ever wished of being totally surrounded by Gretsch history, Gretsch instruments, Gretsch lovers (including members of the Gretsch family), and lots and...

Chuck Levin’s Washington Music Center, “Everything in Music Since 1958:” A Family Music Business Tribute
Two generations of family reflect on their recipe for 65 years of success (and how they plan on being around for another 65). By Ron Denny, Gretsch Contributor. With Fred and Dinah Gretsch celebrating a combined 101 years of experience in the music industry in 2023,...