The Gretsch Duo Jet: Still Rockin’ at 70
In January 1951, Gretsch let the music world know it was a serious contender in the quickly evolving electric guitar business when it introduced the Electromatic and Electro II models at a three-day promotional show at New York’s Park Sheraton Hotel. Meanwhile, on the...
Lasting Legacy of Drummer And Educator Sam Ulano
For those who may not know Sam, he was a fixture on the New York City drumming scene for more than sixty years. He was also quite a character, and it’s hardly surprising that “Sam the showman” would make his exit on New Year’s Day of 2014. We lost a genuine drumming...
Webster-Designed Gretsch White Falcon Turns 65
Gretsch Remembers Jimmie Webster, the Musician, Inventor, and Traveling Ambassador for Gretsch Guitars who, among many other important contributions, designed the Gretsch White Falcon. The Early Days. Jimmie Webster was born on August 11, 1908 in Van Wert, Ohio into a...